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The British Railways Amateur Radio Society (BRARS) was formed in 1966 by a few railwaymen with a common interest in amateur radio. We are affiliated to a much larger organisation named FIRAC - Fédération Internationale des Radio Amateurs Cheminots (International Federation of Railway Radio Amateurs). FIRAC was founded in Hamburg in 1964.

The aim of both ourselves and FIRAC is to promote friendship amongst people who have a common interest in both railways and radio. With this in mind, each year one of the FIRAC member countries hosts an International Congress somewhere in Europe for members to meet up and put a face to the voice. In addition BRARS aims to hold a hotel based Spring Meeting on one weekend every year. This Meeting enables our members to relax in an informal manner to chat and visit a variety of railways and suchlike.

Our magazine is entitled Rails and Radio. It is sent by post to every member. It carries radio and railway related articles written by our members along with news from the BRARS committee. We aim to publish Rails and Radio  every quarter. 

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Updated on Thursday 3rd February 2022 by G4EAN.